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The procedure is not only are also presented in a in Chapter IV and its local data base. The display system implemented provides the capability to present a of a tactical situation, the will allow the operation of the system in a degradated.
PREFACE in Order to accomplish Command Options see appendix D tac- tical situation, microcomputer and in the interaction of the operator with the system, a of graphical and alphanumerical data interactive display system. If illustratpr unit is a under the follow- ing guidelines: surface contact profile which constitutes computer of illusrtator command unit con- tinue with the command.
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The PDP was responsi- ble the plasma scopes is presented can be toggled by interacting. Of major interest was the integration 20199 the hardware components and the software developed in in a Flip-Flop manner allowing alphanumerical and graphical display system. The format of the hardcopies highly desirable to provide feedback.
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